
2022年7月27日—NishiHonganjiistheheadtempleoftheHonganjifactionoftheJodo-Shinsectwithover10,000subtemplesacrossthecountryand200temples ...,...RightsReserved.JODOSHINSHUHONGWANJI‐HA(NishiHongwanji)Horikawa‐DoriHanaya‐chosagaru,Shimogyo‐kuKyoto〒600‐8501.TEL075‐371‐5181FAX075‐371‐5241.,NishiHongan-ji(西本願寺)isaJōdoShinshūBuddhisttempleintheShimogyōwardofKyoto,Japan.Itservesastheheadtempleofthes...

Honganji Temples

2022年7月27日 — Nishi Honganji is the head temple of the Honganji faction of the Jodo-Shin sect with over 10,000 subtemples across the country and 200 temples ...

Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji

... Rights Reserved. JODO SHINSHU HONGWANJI‐HA (Nishi Hongwanji) Horikawa‐Dori Hanaya‐cho sagaru, Shimogyo‐ku Kyoto 〒600‐8501. TEL 075‐371‐5181 FAX 075‐371‐5241.

Nishi Hongan

Nishi Hongan-ji (西本願寺) is a Jōdo Shinshū Buddhist temple in the Shimogyō ward of Kyoto, Japan. It serves as the head temple of the sub-sect Honganji-ha.

Nishi Honganji Square (西本願寺廣場)

2022年9月17日 — Constructed as the 'Taiwan Branch' of Kyoto's Nishi Hongan-ji temple (西本願寺), the temple was part of the “Pure Land” sect of Buddhist temples ...

Nishi Honganji Square

Nishi Honganji Square 西本願寺廣場 · Introduction · Information · Opening Hours · Services & Facilities · Transportaiton · Nearby MRT · Instagram @taipeitravel.

Nishi Honganji Temple

Nishi Honganji Temple is a large temple compound located north west of Kyoto Station with many beautiful buildings of historical and architectural ...

Nishi Hongwanji Temple

Therefore, the temple's official name is Ryukokuzan Hongwanji, however, its nickname “Nishi (lit., “west”) Hongwanji” is rather well known to people. The ...

Precinct Guide

... Therefore, the temple's official name is Ryukokuzan Hongwanji, however, its nickname “Nishi (lit., “west”) Hongwanji” is rather well known to people.

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
